FTW 5 min Waterfall Workout

FTW 5 min 12 Rep Waterfall WOD


Perform a time saving muscular endurance WOD with both upper and lower body movements.

Can be done with any form of resistance.  Can be done in a variety of places and environments.



Light dumbbells, or bands or bodyweight.


Directions: (Biceps and Squats)

  1. Warm- up 3-5 minutes.

  2. Pick a lightweight form or resistance.

  3. Perform 12 reps of an upper body movement (bicep curl).  Perform 12 reps of a squat with the weight at your side. No rest.

  4. Perform 11 reps of the biceps curl, then 11 squats.  No rest.

  5. Perform 10 reps of the biceps curl, then 10 squats.  No rest.

  6. Repeat method of waterfall until you reach 1 rep and you’re finished.

  7. Cooldown for 3-5 minutes.



Pick a weight that will allow you to perform high volume reps with no breaks.

Progress up in weight after you have completed this style of WOD a few times.

Never sacrifice form for weight.   


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