Weight Loss Programs Are Bogus!

As a Certified Personal Trainer, I am ashamed to let you in on a well-known industry secret. Diet and fitness programs don't work. By don't work, I mean, that we in the fitness and weight loss business know that about 92% of the people we "help" will gain all the weight back (plus some). We know this, but the difference is most Personal Trainers don't have the skills to be able to do something differently. They continue the status quo. They do what their certifications trained them to do...tell their clients to workout more and eat less. Yet, they see again and again, that these efforts fail. But they do them anyways. Welcome to the Billion dollar weight loss industry. So many people ready to sell you the status quo that they know doesn't work for 92%  of people. 

You may be wondering why a weight loss and fitness program is telling you all this. Because we are going to tell you how we are NOT a weight loss and fitness program. We are an education and wellness program. Sure, we have fitness videos and nutrition plans, but the most important, most emphasized, most time spent on work that we do is working on educating, equipping and empowering our Fire Team Whiskey Members. How can you possibly lose one pound of weight if you don't understand how the body biologically converts body fat into energy and what are the circumstances that have to happen in order to make that happen consistently in a human body? How can you go from eating fast food every day and 100% cold turkey start eating real whole foods if you don't learn about the psychological tools you need to combat the addiction these hyper-palatable foods have created in your brain? How can you be consistent with any kind of eating or fitness plan if you haven't made any plan whatsoever to change the very environment you live in that does nothing but encourage you to NOT exercise and NOT eat well?
I promise you will never hear another fitness trainer say to you what I tell every single one of my clients when they start with me, "I don't care if you do ZERO workouts the entire time I work with you." What fitness trainer says that?! Are we crazy?! Nope. We are actually doing something cool with our program. Approaching weight loss by NOT FOCUSING ON WEIGHT LOSS. That is why our Programs WORK! Our track record is amazing! About 90% of our Participants actually lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle long term! Want to experience why we are different? It's your last chance to sign up for our 90 day Fall Fight the Fat Program at 50% off! We start Monday! 
