It's the end of our military as we knew it

I am going to go out on a limb and call it. It’s the end of our military as we knew it. The plague of obesity and poor fitness had overrun our ranks. COVID just made it happen quicker. Because of the closing of gyms on military bases and the social distancing requirements, all the military branches suspended all fitness testing requirements, and many branches suspended (some indefinitely, some for a short duration, the body fat taping requirements). This week, the Air Force Announced that “… the abdominal circumference measurement component -- known as the tape test -- will be temporarily suspended through Oct. 1, 2021, or until further notice. The tape test, which measures weight and waist circumference, is widely unpopular among airmen. The annual height and weight measurements taken with the fitness assessment are also suspended "until further notice," officials said.” (read full article here).

Here is my HUGE, ASTOUNDING OBJECTION. What is this communication to our military members? That is things are not convenient, or easy to achieve (gyms open, no social distancing required, etc.) then fuck it, don’t worry about being fit or fat! No worries. Eat whatever you want. Don’t workout. Things are hard. Boohoo.

This is the, I will say it and I am allowed to because I am a woman, the pussification of America. Congratulations U.S military, you are now officially fat, lazy, #ussies. WTF?

So what happens now? As we continue on the decades-long wars we have been engaged in, are we just gonna get every troop motorized wheelchairs issued to them when they deploy, so they don’t have to strain themselves if god forbid they have to walk quickly in a direction towards or away from the enemy? Are our Uniforms now going to be available in 3-5x? Where is the line? How the hell do you get kicked out of the military anymore? Is it when you physically cannot stand for more than 10 minutes because you get too winded? Are we going to forego standing in formation anymore because god forbid…standing! That’s too hard and inconvenient. I know these arguments seem a little comical, but seriously, where is the line? There is not one! Right now, you can be in good standing as a military member and be as fat and unfit as you please. That makes me want to puke. It spits on all those who have served, busted their asses, and still bust their asses eating right and working out (despite not having access to a gym). It is actually possible to work out and not ever need a gym. We at Fire Team Whiskey have proved that for 4 years now! I am personally enraged that I, no longer wearing the uniform, being 10 years out of the military, can pass with flying colors the new ARMY COMBAT FITNESS TEST (which by the way the Army suspended because they think it’s “too hard”) and the tape and weight. I NEVER ONCE in my 10 years in the Army failed a fitness test or tape/weight. I have been working out almost every damn day since I was 17 years old, the age I joined the Army. I have been watching my calories, macros, and abstained from foods that I really wanted to have because I never wanted to shame the uniform. Now, at the age of 41, and no longer in the military, my motivation is different of course, long term fitness and health is the goal now. But damn, when I see these fat, frumpy, panting and wheezing troops running around the track at military bases, I feel a shame so deep down in my core it makes me want to scream.

I don’t even at this point know what else to say. It’s over. We are no longer the most elite military force in the world. It is the end of an era. The lifetime of medical bills alone caring for our chronically ill, unfit, and obese military members for the rest of their lives alone will bankrupt our country, not to mention the astronomical health care costs that are already bankrupting counties, cities, and states. Only 12% of Americans are metabolically healthy. Only 1% of the American population ever serves in the military. We literally don’t have enough healthy bodies in our country to provide healthy and fit troops to fill the necessary ranks. Our solution. Lower the standard. Accept anyone. Keep everyone, no matter how fat or unfit. We will see how this strategy works out. I am no psychic, but I see what is coming, and it’s a crisis of epic proportion for our National Security and our ability to keep our country safe from those who would harm us.