Is 50% off good enough?

Black Friday is here and I’m guessing you opened this because you’re expecting an incredible deal. We posted on Wednesday letting you know that we are not discounting our fitness programs this holiday season, or ever again. 

But.... we are willing to offer you something else at the best price of the year.
Is 50% off good enough?
Look, here’s what you need to know…

  1. Our lowest offer of the year expires in 12 hours.


  1. There are two Black Friday deals. One is discounted and one is not.

The first one is our 30 Day Reset Program. This program has helped people lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days and it will help you kickstart your metabolism and get on a long term path of losing weight and keeping it off. Note: We told you on Wednesday that this package is PRICELESS and this is why we are not discounting it. 30 days of nutrition, meal replacement shakes, workouts, and our state of the art app, all for $247.
Click here to get our “30 Day Reset Program”
The second one is 50% off our clinically proven to burn fat MCT Shakes. Replace one meal a day with the Fire Team Whiskey SpecOps MCT Shake for a month and I promise you will experience increased energy, feel fuller for longer, and lose weight.*  Note: We are offering 50% off if you just buy one shake or if you sign up for a subscription plan. we just want you to find out for yourself how awesome our shakes are! 
Click here to get our MCT SpecOps Shakes
I’m sure you have a lot of choices to make today, but the difference between these deals vs. a tv, laptop, or barbeque is… ROI.
No electronics in the world is going to get you a return on your investment like these two offers. 

As we said on Wednesday, you can't put a price on your health. What are you investing in this weekend? Are investing in something that is going to encourage to spend more time sitting on your ass eating bags of potato chips or are you going to invest in something that is going to potentially help you get on the path to long-term weight loss, fitness, and resolution to chronic health conditions?

Captain Stephanie Lincoln
Founder, and CEO, Fire Team Whiskey 

P.s. If you don’t want to worry about relying on Black Friday to motivate you to get healthy, invest in learning habits that will help you lose the weight for good. This is what we are offering you. We will teach you how to do this for yourself and to value yourself enough to give yourself the gift of health.