Scarier than haunted houses, horror movies and scary costumes....

Only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy!!!!

This study, published Nov. 28 in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, presents the most updated U.S. data on metabolic health, which is defined as having optimal levels of five factors: blood glucose, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference, without the need for medications. (

If you are standing in a group of 8 people….7 of you are metabolically unhealthy and have one or more of serious chronic health conditions that are 100% due to poor lifestyle choices!

I don’t care what horror movie you think is the scariest, this is the scariest thing that I have ever heard.

If you are reading this and you have one or more of the following, you are a part of the 82% that are metabolically unhealthy:

High blood pressure (or are on high blood pressure medications)

High fasting blood sugars (pre-diabetic, or Type 2 diabetic or are prescribed metformin or other blood sugar control medications for reasons other than Type 1 diabetes)

High cholesterol (or are on cholesterol-lowering medications)

Are considered clinically overweight or obese (your BMI is 25 or higher) to look up your BMI, use this chart

If you are METABLICALLY UNHEALTHY, this means that you have risk factors that make you more likely to suffer from a chronic health condition such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, renal disease, dementia or Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disorders, gastrointestinal disease, blindness, and a laundry list of other conditions and complications to include ultimately an early death.

You may be thinking, “Why are you trying to scare me?”

Maybe I am. I don’t know. I and the other health influencers in this field are quite frankly BAFFLED by the fact that despite this crazy scary circumstance we are in as a Nation. ALMOST NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT. We go about our lives status quo. The headlines are about politics, or celebrity gossip, or the latest viral video…and in the meantime, 82% of people are taking each day as a step towards an early grave.

Haunting? Yes. We feel like we are in the Twilight Zone!!!!! (No, not that silly teenage vampire movie, the 1950’s horror/scifi t.v. series. Yes, we will wait while you Google it)

In the Twilight Zone, things get strange, weird, or just topsy turvy, and you feel like you are losing your mind at the craziness of the situation. This is what we are living in today. The world’s biggest problem and NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did this happen? Well, we could go on for pages and pages with all the reasons and hypotheses about why we are in the health toilet, slowly rotating around the bowl about to be flushed down permanently as a species, but here are the top 3 main contributors.

#1: The prevalence of processed foods. 60% of the American diet is from “ultra-processed foods”. Ultra-processed foods are defined as “Formulations of several ingredients which, besides salt, sugar, oils, and fats, include food substances not used in culinary preparations, in particular, flavors, colors, sweeteners, emulsifiers and other additives used to imitate sensorial qualities of unprocessed or minimally processed foods and their culinary preparations or to disguise undesirable qualities of the final product.”

(,milk%E2%80%94accounted%20for%2029.6%20percent.)  Yum. So pretty much most of the things that come in a package fall into this category and most fast foods.

#2:  Overconsumption of sugar. “Ultra-processed foods account for almost all of the added sugars Americans eat—90 percent, to be specific. Added sugar (that is, any sugar not naturally occurring in food) has recently become even more of a target for elimination from people’s diets. The most recent U.S. dietary guidelines recommend that people get less than 10 percent of their calories from added sugars. In this study, the average was 14 percent—292.2 added sugar calories out of the 2069.5 daily total.”

#3:  The lack of fasting. If you think about how our ancestors ate, they didn’t get up out of bed (well, floor) and pour a big bowl of cereal and drink a big sugary coffee. Our ancestors got up and went to work with their tasks for the day. They hunted, gathered, foraged, and otherwise were occupied with the tasks of survival. At the end of the day, they come together and chow down on the resources they found that day, or saved from a leftover harvest or hunt from the day before or so, or not. If nothing was found or saved, you didn’t eat. You didn’t eat all day, or three meals a day, or three snacks and three small meals, or drank a big sugary power drink all day. Our bodies NEED A BREAK from food and sugar. The body was not designed to be reacting to food and drink at almost every minute of the day.  To be simplistic, because of this constant overuse and overtaxing of these systems, they begin to break down (your first warning sign that these systems are breaking down is when you start gaining body fat).

Did you notice that nothing was mentioned about exercise? We didn’t mention it as the top contributor because actually, a little more than half of Americans meet the physical activity guidelines for cardiovascular conditioning (% is way less for muscular conditioning). So, this doesn’t account for the 88% metabolically unhealthy stat. If it were only about “moving more” and “eating less” then arguably, this semi-decent exercise statistic would be a part of keeping people metabolically healthy, but since that is not the case, apparently, exercise alone is not the answer.

Now, most people are not stupid. Although…we are starting to doubt this in this day and age, but we digress. If you ask anyone who is overweight, they would be able to say they KNOW they should not be eating fast food. They KNOW that they should probably make their meals instead of eating out. They KNOW they probably shouldn’t start their day with a triple-double chocolate frappecrappy and a blueberry muffin. But they do it anyway. They post on social media how unhappy they are with their weight and how they used to look so skinny in their #TBT picture. But yet, 45 minutes later, they post a picture of their epic lunch today at Joe Shmos restaurant with a big pile of fried shrimp, french fries, and a huge frosty beer. So….are they lying when they say they are unhappy about their weight or are they lying about being happy about eating that pile of fried heart attack on a plate?

You probably figured out what we are getting at.


We are suffering from a colossal inability to change our behavior. Behavior change is all mental strategy. And most people don’t have the skills to do it. This is why 92% of New Years Resolutions fail and the weight loss industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry. If their programs really worked, then they would go out of business. They are counting on the fact that YOU CAN’T DO IT. YOU WILL FAIL. You failed before, you will fail now, and you will fail over and over and over again.

Why do they fail, because 99.9% of weight loss programs do NOTHING to equip their participants with the MENTAL skills needed to be successful? I don’t give a damn what you do, vegan, whole food, paleo, keto, carnivore, etc. NONE of these work if you don’t have the mental tools to STICK WITH THE PROGRAM LONG TERM.

This is where Fire Team Whiskey is so vastly different from the 99% of programs out there. We were FOUNDED by an Eating Psychology expert. The coaching, nutrition, and health education programs are based on psychology. Not only do we give you an effective nutrition and fitness plan, but we spend MOST of our time working on the most important issue, psychology.

This is why our participants are successful long term. They don’t need us anymore! Hey, that’s why we are not billionaires like the rest of the weight loss programs. It’s fortunately for you, and unfortunately for us, is because our program works. You use us, you get results, you get on a long-term trajectory and we say goodbye. You keep getting healthier, fitter, and slimmer long term. You ask any W.W. (rhymes with “fate potchers”) participants how many times they have done the program. EVERY SINGLE ONE will say at least 2 or more times (I have don’t my research this is a fact). Can you imagine how much money they make on all the people who have to come back again, and again, and again, shelling out more and more money, because they just can’t stick to the program. Because W.W. has a little secret….they KNOW you will fail. And they are rolling in the dough, laughing all the way to the bank.

Talk about a horror story. What a villain!

If you are ready to stop lining the pockets of the villains cashing in on the dirty little secret of setting you up for failure and finally get on a long-term track to success, sign up for our 90-day online personal training package. Our program is designed to equip you with the psychological and behavioral tools to be successful and never need us again. Will we get rich with Fire Team Whiskey? If we are doing our jobs right, then 100% no. But we measure our success in the people who do our program, get success, then leave us because they don’t need us anymore. We won’t ever be rich in dollars, but we hope to be rich in people who end up as one of the 12% metabolically healthy Americans statistic instead of the 82% metabolically unhealthy and headed for an early grave statistic.