Be Stubborn About Your Goals, And Flexible About Your Methods.png

Fire Team Whiskey's® approach to health and fitness is holistic. You cannot change one aspect of your health and expect total health. You must improve upon each area of health: mind, body, and spirit. Each Caliber Protocol includes 10 Warrior Wellness Videos, all focused on helping you improve upon each area of health. We encourage you to take the time to watch all 10 Warrior Wellness Videos within the 30 day Caliber Program. We hope that the content will educate and equip you with the tools to help you improve your health in each area. Fire Team Whiskey's® philosophy of health is if you are not making the changes that are essential on the inside (emotional, behavioral, spiritual) any changes you make on the outside (weight and fitness) will not be permanent. Your emotional health effects your physical health and vice versa. It is essential to work on both.  We encourage you to watch each Warrior Wellness Video during your 30 Day Caliber Program.

Interview with 2018 National Guard Marathon Winner

Veterans Breast Cancer Awareness

Veterans Diabetes Awareness

Challenging Negative Self Talk

Failing Forward

TBI Awareness and Fitness

The Military Obesity Crisis and Optimal Warfighter Nutrition

Interview with Marine Combat Veterans and Iron Man finisher Mike Ergo

Supplements 101

How to make it stick: Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and what to do differently this year